The number of registered clubs in the Bahamas is currently 13 swim clubs, Currently, there are 10 clubs located in the capital of Nassau on the Island of New Providence (Alpha Aquatics, Barracuda Swim Club, Blue Waves Swim Club, Lightning Aquatics, Lyford Cay Swim Club, Mantas Waterpolo Club, Mako Aquatics Club, Black Marlins Swim Club, Sea Waves Aquatic Team, Swift Swimming) and 2 clubs in Freeport on the Island of Grand Bahama (Freeport Aquatics Club; YMCA WaveRunners). Abaco Swim Club is located in Marsh Harbour and Hope Town.
BKKAC Aquatic Center
P.O. Box SP-62811
Nassau, Bahamas
Windsor Prep @ Old Fort Bay
P.O. Box SP-62811
Nassau, Bahamas
Head Coach:
Andy loveitt
Assistant Coaches:
Ariel Weech
Mark-Anthony Thompson
Jasmine Gibson
Latahara Forbes
Miller Albury
Philip Davis II
Yohancy Kemp
website: www.alphaaquatics.co
email: swim@alphaaquatics.co
Queen's College Pool
Village Road
P.O. Box N-9684
Nassau, Bahamas.
Head Coach:
Camron Bruney
Assistant Coaches:
Kadesha Culmer
Alexa Dean
Mancer Roberts Sr.
Meshach Roberts
David Gerardo Del Cueto
Tel/Fax: (242)-477-7553 (Pool)
Email: swim@thebarracudaswimclub.com
Website: http://thebarracudaswimclub.com/
Blue Waves Swim Club
St Anne's School Pool
Fox Hill
P.O. Box SS6256
Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: 242 436-7877
Head Coach:
Dellan Brown
Assistant Coaches:
Drew Lightbourne
Joelle Barrett
Micaiah Bostwick
Lisa Snow
Rochelle Sinclair-Butler
Tiana Campbell
Email: dellan_brown@yahoo.com
St. John's College Pool
Bishop Eldon Drive
P.O. Box SS-5859
Nassau, Bahamas
Head Coach: Shawn Neely
Assistant Coaches:
Allison Dean
Carson Collie
Regan Farringinton
Tel: (242)-436-2913
e-mail: info@lightningaquatics.com
Web site: www.lightningaquatics.com
​Freeport Aquatics Club
Bishop Michael Eldon Anglican High School
East Sunrise Highway
P.O. Box F-41144
Freeport, Grand Bahama
Head Coach
Megan Reid
Tel: (242)-439-6109
e-mail: freeportaquatics@gmail.com
Lyford Cay International School
Lyford Cay Drive
P.O. Box N-7776
Nassau, Bahamas
Head Coach:
Mancer Roberts Jr.
Assistant Coaches:
Denise Mizell
Kori Thompson
Kathia Smith
Tel: (242)-362 4774
MAKO Aquatics Club
67 Montrose Avenue
P.O. Box N-4631
Nassau, Bahamas
Phone: 431-1441/457-1920/801-3451
Head Coach:
Travano McPhee
Assistant Coaches:
Amanda McPhee
Dwayne Davis Jr.
Sara Knowles
Adrain Sands
Kaliyah Albury
Madiosn Davis
Chanteia Musgrove
Email: travano.mcphee@gmail.com
Website: www.makoaquaticsclub.com
Mantas Swim & Water Polo Club
BKKAC Swim Complex
Nassau, The Bahamas
P.O. Box AP 59108
Head Coach:
Laszlo Borbely
Assistant Coaches:
Gabriel Sastre
Wanda Burrows
Tel: (242) 432-5054
e-mail: borbely9@hotmail.com,
web site: www.bahamaswaterpolo.com
MacFit360 Fitness & Performance Center
Nassau, Bahamas
Tel: 242-603-1170 Ext. 304
Head Coach:
Allan Murray
Assistant Coaches:
Allison Taylor
Joshua Murray
Kristina Murray
Seth Sweeting
e-mail: allan@macfit360.com
Web Site: www.macfit360.com
South Beach Pools
P.O. Box CB-11583
Nassau, Bahamas
Head Coach:
Shirley Mireault
Assistant Coach:
Glendina Dorsette
Tel:/Fax: (242)-324-2445
Cell: 455-2271
e-mail: seawavesaquaticteambahamas@hotmail.com
SWIFT Swimming
St. Andrews School
Yamacraw Hill Road
Nassau, Bahamas
Head Coach: Andy Knowles
Tel: (242)-324-1167
Cell: (242)-426-4534
e-mail: swiftswimming@coralwave.com
Web Site: www.swimswift.com
Mako Aquatics - Freeport
East Settlers Way
P.O Box F40253
Freeport, Bahamas
Head Coach:
Ivanuiska Drake
Assistant Coach:
Ashton Knowles
Karon Johnson
Tel: (242)-352-5058
Cell: (242)-801-7465
e-mail: kpinderjohnson@ymcabahamas.org
Web Site: