We, the BSF, as a Member Federation of FINA, are obliged to adhere to FINA's doping control rules as specified below:
DC 5.4.2Every Member Federation shall include in their Rules a provision obliging the Member Federation to allow unannounced Doping Control of any Competitor under its jurisdiction. It is the duty of every Member Federation to assist FINA and, if appropriate, other Member Federations in the carrying out of unannounced Testing. Any Member Federation preventing, hindering or otherwise obstructing the carrying out of such Testing shall be liable to sanctions according to Rule C 12.
Part of the BSF rules, referencing doping control, are as follows:
CR10.3 Any Competitor selected by the BSF Executive Council to participate in any regional or international swimming competitions or qualifying for the national championships shall be subject to doping control testing by the BSF. Such testing shall be conducted according to current FINA medical rules and Doping Control rules.
CR10.4 All Competitors and all Club Members shall comply with the medical rules and Doping Control rules of FINA, any member of FINA and the BSF.
CR10.10 The BSF has the right to randomly test up to sixteen (16) athletes a year for banned substances.
As you can all see, every swimmer who qualifies for Nationals is subject to doping control testing. The local body, affiliated with WADA, responsible for doping control in The Bahamas is the Bahamas Anti Doping Commission (BADC).
As outlined in the Anti-Doping in Sports Act, 2009, the rules of the Bahamas Anti-Doping association apply to the following parties:
The Bahamas Olympic Committee (BOC) – The organization recognized by the International Olympic Committee.
National Sports Federations – All Sporting Organizations recognized by the Government of The Bahamas and the Bahamas Olympic Committee as the official governing bodies for Sports in The Bahamas. By extension, the Rules will also apply to all affiliated Associations, Members, Leagues, Clubs and Teams registered with the Organization.
Athletes ( International and National levels) – Any person who participates in sports, either at the international level or the national level (as defined by each Federation) and any other competitor in sports who may otherwise be subject to the jurisdiction of either the BOC or a National Sports Federation.
Athlete Support Personnel – Any coach, trainer, manager, agent, team staff, official, medical or paramedical personnel, parent or any other person working with, treating or assisting an athlete participating in or preparing for sports competition.
The BSF has been asked to cooperate with BADC to provide them with certain information on the athletes who form our National Team. The page listing the National Team Members for 2012 is on the BSF website, which link we have provided to BADC. We have received a form from them, which we will want to be completed by ALL athletes on the lists - Carifta National Team, CISC National Team, National Water Polo Team and the Complete National 2012 Team. This form will be available on the BSF website in 2 locations - under About the BSF /Forms and also under Swimmers /Important Notices. We are also attaching the form to this email for distribution to the swimmers.
All clubs, swimmers, parents and coaches are asked to cooperate with the BADC. Any questions about doping control can be directed to the BSF who will liaise with BADC in order to provide you with answers. It is a good idea to familiarize yourself with the BADC and the role they play in the sporting community. The link to their website is http://www.bahamasadc.org/default.aspx .
Swimmers - if you are on one of these lists, but you are no longer swimming, please make such a note on the form and still return the form to me. Please make every effort to return the completed forms to me (scanned forms returned by email are preferable) by the end of October 2012.
Thank you.