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STR just finished a fantastic series of Aquanex clinics in Maryland

October 2014 Newsletter

Dear Swimmers, Triathletes, Coaches, Parents, and Directors:

We are happy to announce that the Australian Clearinghouse for Sport has just made available the proceedings from the Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Conference. Videos of presentations are also posted.

STR just finished a fantastic series of Aquanex clinics in Maryland. We have a variety of upcoming clinics for swimmers in Tallahassee, Miami, the Bahamas, Australia, Brazil, and Trinidad.

This newsletter features conference and clinic updates, an article about systematizing skill learning, info about making the best use of your strength, and a brief summary of Dr. Havriluk's latest Swimming World article on the misconceptions about making technique changes too late in a season or too late in a career. As always, let us know what info you need!

Best regards, Sharon

FINA Conference Update

STR president Dr. Rod Havriluk has been invited to speak at the FINA Gold Medal Coach Clinic on Nov 29-Dec 1 in Doha, Qatar on "Skill Acquisition and Injury Prevention."

Free Book of Proceedings from BMS

The Book of Proceedings and many presentation videos from the Biomechanics and Medicine in Swimming Conference are available for free online. To access, you must be a Clearinghouse for Sport member. When you register, please enter ‘BMS2014’ for ‘How did you hear about the Clearinghouse?’ Allow one day for your access to be processed. (The Clearinghouse has a great deal of additional info posted.)

A System for Skill Learning

An article by Coach Ben Hiddlestone in the September issue of Swimming in Australia explains the importance of systematizing the skill learning process. He details critical program components and recommends a skills competition.

Clinic Update

Freestyle Clinic - Tallahassee - Oct 5

Starts & Turns Clinic - Tallahassee - Oct 19

SpeedWeekend - Nassau - Oct 25-26

Freestyle Clinic - Nassau - Oct 28-29 Aquanex Clinic - Atlanta - Nov 22-23

SpeedWeek - Sydney - Dec 8-12

SpeedWeek - Miami - Dec 27-31

SpeedWeek - Trinidad - Jan 2-6

SpeedWeek - Sao Paulo - Jan 26-30

Strength and the Ability to Use it

Many swimmers are strong, but do not take full advantage of their strength when swimming. For example, the freestyler with the hand force curve to the left is very strong because he has a peak force of 60 lbs. However, for the first one-half second (up to the vertical gray line) he is only generating 15 to 20 lbs. Check tips to increase force.

"Technique Misconceptions" Series in Swimming World Magazine

The tenth article in a series on "Swimming Technique Misconceptions" is now online in Swimming World Magazine. The misconception is that it is "too late" (in a season or a career) too change your technique. Conventional wisdom states that it is unwise to make technique changes late in a season, especially during taper. Older and more successful swimmers can be resistant to changes late in a career because they have enjoyed success with their technique. In reality, a taper can actually be the best time to make technique changes. With less distractions, the taper environment is more conducive to deliberate practice (DP) strategies. Similarly DP strategies were found to be effective with national caliber swimmers “late in the career.” For example, see the impressive improvement in technique for the age 17 members of a national team in the graph below. Using the appropriate practice strategies, technique adjustments can be made late in a season or late in a career!


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