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Swimming & Open Water Swimming Clinics

SWIMMING & OPEN WATER SWIMMING - CLINICS FOR OFFICIALS AND FOR SWIM COACHES – Tuesday June 28th OR Wednesday June 29th to Saturday July 2nd, 2016.

The Bahamas Swimming Federation is pleased to announce that, in conjunction with C.C.C.A.N., we will be hosting 3 separate clinics for Swimming & Open Water Swimming for Officials and for Swim Coaches as part of the FINA Development Programme 2016.

They will all take place in between the morning & evening sessions of the CARIBBEAN ISLANDS SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS. The times therefore, will be somewhat dependent on the end time of the morning sessions, but we can advise that the classroom sessions will start somewhere in the vicinity of 1pm and will end by 4pm at the latest.

There is no charge for participants. The Clinics will all be held in 3 separate rooms EITHER at The Melia Hotel on Cable Beach, OR at the National Stadium, right next to the Betty Kelly Kenning National Aquatic Centre. Confirmation of venue will be forthcoming.

The Clinics will run every day for 4 days, either during the entire meet – Wednesday June 29th through Saturday July 2nd or as specified below. It is possible that changes may be made in the schedules. If so, these changes will be communicated.

There will be a FINA Swimming Clinic for Coaches with Jesse Vassallo as the lecturer. All coaches or aspiring swim coaches are welcome and are encouraged to attend. This will be during the 4 days of the meet.

There will also be a FINA Swimming Clinic for Officials with Jose de Jesus as the lecturer. Anyone who is interested in officiating or in expanding their current knowledge of officiating is invited to attend. This will be held over a 4 day period beginning BEFORE the CISC meet starts. The dates are Tuesday June 28th through Friday July 1st. In addition to the classroom portion in between sessions, all officials will be expected to particpate on deck during the sessions. Complete newcomers will be expected to observe.

Lastly, there will also be a FINA Open Water Swimming Clinic for Officials with Tomás Haces as the lecturer. It is strongly advised that any of our current Officials who are hoping to officiate at Open Water events should attend the Open Water Swimming Clinic.

These Clinics are open to any and all interested persons. A choice will have to be made as to which Clinic will be attended, since they will run concurrently.

Any questions about these clinics should be addressed to with “CISC Clinics” in the subject line.


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